

1. Compulsory Subject


Area of Concentration: Anthropic Studies


Epistemology (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: From philosophical thinking to the scientific spirit; Metaphysical explanations of a scientific concept and human existentiality; From reasons to passions - interlaces and perspectives; Of life, knowledge and truth. Epistemology - floors around doubt.


Scientific Methodology I - Scientific Project (30 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Notions of scientific methodology. Theoretical framework of scientific research. Concepts and techniques for the preparation of research projects: introduction, objectives, methodology, justification, expected results, state of the art, development, experiments, conclusions. Concepts and techniques for reviewing the literature and writing scientific articles.


Research Methodology II - Scientific Writing (30 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Consists of addressing scientific methodology and scientific communication. Students will present seminars related to scientific works on different topics. The professor and all enrolled students will take part in the discussion.


2. Elective Disciplines


Area of Concentration: Anthropic Studies


Research Line: Environments, Health and Cultural Practices


Anthropology of Health

Syllabus: Tin Ingold in his latest book Being Alive (2011) reviews the main concepts used in his work The Perception of the Environment, presenting a new understanding of what “environment” means for the beings that inhabit it, proposing an Anthropology “ engaged ”and“ immersed in life ”. From this point of view it is intended in this discipline to approach the Anthropology of Health, understanding culture in the Human and non-Human continuum. It is also intended to point to an “Ecological Epistemology” proposed by Steil and Carvalhos (2012) that breaks with some modern dualities such as: Nature and Culture, Human and non-Human and the perspective of the human cognitive subject outside the world and nature.


Biodiversity and Society in the Anthropocene (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Visions of the world; the origin of life; explosion of biodiversity and natural extinctions over geological time; the current biodiversity in the world, in Brazil and in the Amazon; human evolution; definition of Anthropocene; relations between humans and planet Earth; behavior and culture; nature as a resource; human-induced environmental impacts; cooperation and conflicts; traditional ways of resolving conflicts.


Epidemiological Tools (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Identification of the types of epidemiological studies. Planning for epidemiological investigation. Procedures for requesting legal authorization for research development. Approach methods in research involving human beings and their knowledge. Tools for processing quantitative and qualitative data.


Leisure, Environment and Sustainability (60 horas)

Syllabus: Support concepts on Leisure, Environment and Sustainability; Landmarks on Global Environmental Protocols; main socio-environmental problems in Brazil and the Amazon; Leisure Practices, Social and Environmental Relations and Educational Possibilities.


Health in the Amazon: endemics in Amazonian communities (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The course aims to present and discuss different aspects related to diseases caused by bacterial, viral and parasitic agents of importance to communities in the Amazon region, relating the history of endemic diseases to human activity. The discipline intersperses theoretical lectures and discussion of scientific articles through the presentation of seminars, giving students the opportunity to consolidate classic information and study current techniques, which arise through scientific publication.


Health, Society and Environment (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: The human being, his biological unity and his diversity; anthropic environmental impacts and their relationship with health / disease in humans; disease as a natural pole and healing as a cultural pole; concept of cultural dynamics versus nature; traditional communities and the social perception of the health versus disease process; the idea of nature and traditional healing practices versus modern medicine.


Research Line: Languages, Technologies and Cultural Knowledge


Scientific Education and Interdisciplinarity (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Aspects of teacher education for scientific education and culture. Teaching and learning issues related to the acquisition of scientific knowledge and initial and continuing teacher training. Relationship between scientific knowledge and those who wish / need to learn science. Relationships between science, technology, society and the environment. Epistemology of Science Education as an interdisciplinary area. Specific methodology for teaching science and auxiliary resources.


Intercultural Studies (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Cultural contacts and colonial processes: culture and civilization, colonization and post-colonialism, cultural hegemony; from oral cultures to the literate city: tradition and orality, knowledge and knowledge, transculturation and cultural regions; interculturality and inclusion of knowledge: the invention of development, the colonization of knowledge, the Bom Viver society.


User Experience (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to Design. Digital Design. Subjective aspects. Human-Computer Interaction. Affective Computing. Interaction. Usability. Accessibility. User studies and requirements. Mockup. Project presentation. Test Plan Development.


Cultural History, Memory and Identity (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Theoretical debate on the category of culture and the updating of cultural history studies. Cultural history in search of practical reason: individual action versus collective action. Memory as a resource for social research. Formation, organization and cultural resistance in traditional communities. Customs, traditions and meanings of cultural knowledge. The science of concrete as a category of cultural analysis. Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture (by law 11,645 / 2010).


Data Mining (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Introduction to data mining. Overview of the data mining process. Steps in the data mining process. Data mining methods (techniques), applications and tools for data mining.


Socio-environmental Relations, Knowledge and Practices in the Amazon (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Relationship with the environment; Ethnoconservation, socio-biodiversity and other concepts; Traditional peoples: Concept and characterization; Knowledge, Classification and Management: Knowledge of the traditional peoples of the Amazon; The peoples of the Amazon; Knowledge: Scientific and Traditional; Identity and territory; Studies of local knowledge and practices in the Amazon; Participatory approaches in studies of socio-environmental relations.


Translation and Alterity (60 Credit Hours)

Syllabus: Jorge Larrosa (1996), observing the metaphors around reading, attentive to the fact that translation constitutes a singular activity of intersubjective and intercultural content that, operating at the border, produces incessantly differences. Therefore, considering translation in the broad sense of the term, this course aims to examine the notions of translation and otherness, as formulated by deconstructive and post-structuralist theories (Derrida, Arrojo, Campos, Lacan).